Asthma Concept Map | Etiology | Pathophysiology | Signs and Symptoms | Treatment

Asthma Concept Map: An Overview

To get the most benefit from this map:

  1. Start by watching the 5-minute explanation video. This will show you how to read the map and what are the key points that you have to focus on during your study.
  2. Study asthma concept map.
  3. Finally, to revise the map later on, listen to the video without watching, pause occasionally to test your ability to recall the details.



Asthma Concept Map
Asthma Concept Map
Order the full map

This map begins with the etiology and triggers of asthma linked with the pathophysiology, then the signs and symptoms which are represented collectively in a single drawing, so they couldn't be forgotten.

Move with the dotted arrow from the severity of symptoms to Classification of asthma according to the severity, then to the diagnosis. After that, comes the lower part of the map with the treatment including a table for the pharmacological treatment & another table for steps of management.

Classification of asthma is spread all over the map in 3 tables:
- according to the etiology, on the right of "Etiology"
- according to the severity, linked with "Signs & Symptoms"
- according to the control, after "Treatment"
Inhalation devices & procedures of use aren't included in this map, but I would make another map for them later.

Asthma Concept Map Folded Poster


We hope you find Asthma concept map helpful and we are looking forward t hearing your opinion. This map is available in the following forms: 

Map's Format



Folded Poster

The maps is printed out on ordinary A1 size paper and it is folded to be nearly sized as A4 paper.


To be sent to your address through the Egyptian Registered Postal Mail.

Delivery in Egypt takes few days,

Other countries: 2-3 weeks; you can upgrade to express mail. Please contact us for details.

Already printed out.
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Whole Map

It's the map's soft copy. You will have the map as a whole on your computer screen.

Electornic; Download link.

A .pdf file for the whole map will be available for download immediately after payment received.

Printing the .pdf file of the map is not allowed.
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Printable Version

The map is split into pages to be printed on five A4 papers. After printing them, you have to tape the edges together to make a folded poster.

Electornic; Download link.

A .pdf file for the printable version of the map will be available for download immediately after payment received.

Printing is allowed. The map is to be printed out on several pages.
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Asthma Concept Map by Maha Atef, B Pharm
Last updated on: 30 January 2011
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